Boletín Regional Suramérica / Julio 2020 - Regional Update South America / July 2020

En cualquier realidad Dios ya está obrando, tiene un propósito y nosotros como sus hijos tenemos en nuestras manos la decisión, detenernos o continuar. Suramérica es un continente comprometido con la misión de hacer discípulos, decidimos continuar desarrollando el ministerio a través de REDES de Familias. Las bondades de Dios no se detienen, aproximadamente más de 8 mil niños se están formando como discípulos resilientes en este tiempo, Él está obrando en más hogares en América del Sur. Seguimos conectando, creyendo y creciendo.

Even when we can’t see it, God is already at work in every circumstance. He has a purpose, and as His children, we have the decision to either stop or continue in His work. South America is a continent committed to the mission of making disciples. During this unprecedented time, we decided to continue carrying out the ministry of child discipleship through Family Networks. God’s mercies never come to an end! More than 8,000 children are currently being formed as resilient disciples. God is at work in countless homes throughout South America, and we have taken on the task of belonging, believing, and becoming together.

anderson perez